Monday 23 September 2013

Task 2

Task 2: Know about job roles in the television and film industries.

Job Roles:

Management Jobs

The management job roles in the film industry cover wide range different jobs. These jobs include things such as overseeing a crew that are working with together to finish the film. When they are doing this they would be doing this such as making sure the film would be finished on time for the trailer to come out and also making sure that they don’t over spend on the budget that is provided for them to use.

A managerial job in the film Industry is the producer. What the producer does is that they co-ordinate, supervise and control matters such as fund-raising, hiring key personnel and arranging for distributors. The producer is involved throughout all phases of the filmmaking process from development to completion of a project. They are normally to be seen as the group leader. The producer also writes the script for the film and gives it to the actors so that they know what they are saying. The producer does not do this on his own they have an assistant that helps them with producing these tasks. That is another management job and what they do is help the producer with whatever they need help with during post and pre-production.

Creative Jobs

The creative jobs in the film industry are very different from management jobs because with management skills you have to do things like hiring the crew whereas with the creative jobs what you have to do is things like design the costumes and other things. The main important one is the director who does the most important jobs when it comes to the creative side of the jobs in the film industry.

A job role that is a part of the creative jobs is the director, this is very important because what the director does is that they say what happens, how it happens, who does it and when it happens. This is because they would want the scene to look like how they would want it to look; they also say what things like the background would be on the set because those things are the creative aspects and the producer would be able to do this.

Another creative job in the film industry is the costume designer, what they do is that they design the costumes for the actors to wear. This is usually when there is something wrong with the body or the face of the actors and they would have to draw and put make up on to them. They also pick out what kind of clothes the actors would have to wear to match the characters description. The costume designers need specific skills in order to get the job; this is because the producer does not want to hire any random person who says they can design costumes.

Editorial Jobs

The editorial jobs in the film industry are things like the editor. What the editor does is that they edit film footage that has been recorded by the cameraman and make it into a sequence that shows the film. This is the main thing that an editor has to do. It is the editor’s job to make sure that the film comes out looking like it should. This is because what the editor does is that they edit the film and if the film is bad because of how it was edited then they would get the blame for it. They have to make sure that the story the director and producer is trying to tell flows swiftly.
Technical Jobs

The technical jobs in the film industry are all hands on work that the person doing has to physically do. The most popular type of technical jobs is a thing such as the cameraman. What they cameraman does is that they see where is the best angle to record from and where to put the camera.

The camera man is an important job because if there was no cameraman they then the film might come out looking a bit wired because the angle of the camera would not be in the right place and the footage would look wrong.  The cameraman supports the director of photography with placing the camera where it should be. The main purpose of the cameraman is to show the audience what the director is seeing with their eyes. The cameraman is responsible for things such as preparing and checking the camera equipment during the shooting of the scene, after the scene and before the scene.

Research Jobs

The researchers in the film industry have an important job when it comes to things such as facts on the films, when the film is about history and other things such as educational. This job is important because with this job the person doing the research has to make sure the facts that they give to their crew is correct so that if it is an educational one then they don’t want to be giving their audience wrong information because that could lose them some audiences and it would be down to them.

Financial Jobs

Financial jobs have no hands on work at all, they are mainly someone sitting at a desk and just entering information of things such as how much money spent on things and budget costs. All of the financial jobs are done by the executive producer and their role is to supervise the people and look at how much money they are spending on what and if they are spending too much on a certain thing and if they could get something for cheaper than they did.

Working Patterns:

There are many different work patterns in the film and TV industry. Depending on the role the person has would also depending on the type if work pattern they have.

Shift Work

Shift work is when someone has to do certain shifts at certain times. When someone does shift work it means that they have a schedule that they must follow. In the hours they are allocated each day they have to come in at that time and do their job. For example the cameraman, the costume designers, the producers and actors would all have to come in at a certain time to make the film. The people that do shift work get paid by the hour because they don’t work the same amount of hours everyday. They get paid for how long they work for. This is called hourly rates and they would be given to the employee when they are hired. An example of an hourly rate is £10 an hour.

Fixed Term

Fixed term work is when someone is hired to do some work for a certain amount of time. In this certain time they would have to do a certain job. For example the cameraman would be hired for how long it would take the film to be made. When they are being hired they would get a contract and on that contract it would say for how long they are being employed for and how much they would get each week that they are employed. Also on the contract it would say the work hours as well, for example an employee would have to work from 9 AM until 5 PM with three one hour breaks. These are called the office hours


Employees who are free lancers are ones who are employed from a company and come into help for a short amount of time. If someone is a freelancer it means that they do not have a stable job and they need to rely on finding jobs regular to get their money. The people that are freelancers are usually film crew on the set. There are advantages of being a freelancer and one of those advantages is that they would have a variety of jobs available for them and they don’t have any fixed dates that they have to work for. There are also some disadvantages and they are things like jobs not being available enough times for the person so make enough money to live on. 

Irregular Patterns

Irregular work patterns are when office hours become inconvenient and the person has to work at irregular times such as early mornings. Irregular work patterns is also when the cameraman is filming something from 7 am but there is not fixed time for them to finish so they would carry on until it is 7 PM.  This is an irregular work pattern because it would mean that they would be working for longer than they should and it would also affect people who were hired for a certain time because they would not be allowed to just leave because they would be getting paid for it. 

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